Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have, and this number decreases as they age. The quality of these eggs also diminishes over time, leading to decreased fertility and increased chances of chromosomal abnormalities in the eggs that remain.
One significant impact of age on the need for a partner to have a child with is that as a woman gets older, especially beyond the age of 35, the pressure to find a partner who wants to have children increases due to this decreasing fertility window.
This can put strain on relationships and lead to rushed decisions, like getting pregnant on purpose. In this series, I explore the ‘need to breed’ that many females have (myself included) as the clock keeps ticking.
Pregnant On Purpose

Written from the male POV
“But don’t you ever feel like giving into the heat of the moment? Feeling the friction of his bare skin against yours? Just saying to yourself, ‘Fuck it, I don’t care what happens, I just want to have sex with this guy?’”
I asked Alison, looking at her with just a little bit of twinkle in my eye and the corner of my mouth upturned just the right amount so that she would think that I was kind-of sort-of kidding, but not really.
“Jason, are you serious!? Whenever I have sex I wear a diaphragm and make sure the guy has two condoms on, plus I’m always on the Pill,” Alison smiled back at me, wrinkling her forehead and looking at me with her big blue eyes wide open in mock shock. She wanted me to know that she knew I was sort-of joking with her, though I’m pretty sure at least some of what she said – about the diaphragm and condoms and pill – was absolutely true.
I also knew right then and there that I was going to make it my personal mission to bareback her. Whether or not she got knocked up and pregnant would be her problem and not mine.
Alison was the kind of girl that I would have to take things slow with and in all honesty I was going to have to play my cards right with her, figure out the perfect way to get into her pants, because if I blew it the first time I doubted that she would give me a second chance.
I could also tell from the way her pale face flushed a nice crimson pink that my comment about friction and bare skin on skin had hit its mark, so at least I’d planted the seed – no pun intended – and was off to a pretty good start with her.
Alison was my mixed doubles tennis partner at the racquet club that we both belonged to and was as WASPy as they come. Her family had lived in the City for generations and over the years had become involved in banking and finance.
She had once mentioned to me in passing that she held a junior position at a bank in the suburbs that her father owned and had let me know in no uncertain terms that she was being groomed for bigger and better things. She was mid-thirties in age, just like myself, mid-height, nice athletic body just a bit on the curvy side, and had the blond hair to match her alabaster skin and blue eyes.
She had gone to the right schools, was involved with the right charities, but also lacked the street smarts that one would expect a woman who had been raised in a protective White Anglo-Saxon Protestant environment to not have.
Instinctively I sensed that this naivety was going to be the way I’d work myself into her mind, her heart and eventually that hot little place between her legs.
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Pregnant On Purpose (Again)

Written from the female POV
“But Alison, don’t you ever feel like giving into the heat of the moment? Feeling the friction of his bare skin against yours? Just saying to yourself, ‘Fuck it, I don’t care what happens, I just want to have sex with this guy?’”
He asked me, looking me straight in the eye with just the hint of a twinkle around the corner of his firm upturned mouth, so that I would know that he was kind-of, sort-of joking around with me, but not totally.
So I decide to play along with him, to see how far he is willing to push the envelope.
“Jason, are you serious!? Whenever I have sex I wear a diaphragm and make sure the guy has two condoms on, plus I’m always on the pill,” I smiled back at him, wrinkling my forehead and looking at him with my big innocent baby blue eyes wide open in mock shock.
I wanted him to know that I was kind-of, sort-of joking back with him, although to be honest, and just between you and me, some of the stuff I told him was absolutely true, the stuff about the diaphragm and condoms and the pill that is, although not all of them at the same time.
I also knew right then and there that I was going to let him bareback me, to see if this guy really had what it takes to seed me, to get me knocked up and pregnant, to satisfy my curiosity if nothing else, consequences be damned.
Ever since I had known Jason I’d been intentionally sending him mixed signals, so that by now he knew that I was the kind of girl that he would have to take things nice and slow with and that he was going to have to play all of his cards right if he really wanted to get into my pants, and he understood that there would not be a second chance if he fucked things up.
When he made the remark about ‘bare skin on skin’ I purposely made my pale face flush a hot crimson pink, a trick that Bonnie, one of my girl friends, had taught me to do a few years ago, to make him think that he had actually planted the seed – no pun intended – and that he was off to a good start with me.
I discretely glanced down at his tennis shorts, at his crotch, and saw that my toying with him had the ‘hardening’ effect that I wanted.
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Seeded: The Pregnant Duology

This 2-book bundle contains Pregnant On Purpose (Again!) and Knocked Up (Again!), both stories told from the female POV.
In Pregnant On Purpose (Again!), despite Alison’s privileged WASPy upbringing she decides that she just has to see what it’s like to sleep with her tennis partner Jason au naturel, regardless of the consequences. But her BFF Bonnie beats her to it and seduces Jason after only one date.
Jason has always fantasized about scoring with Alison and considers his bedding Bonnie as an extra bonus, foolishly believing that it his masterly skill with women that allows him to seduce Bonnie. Little does he know that he has been manipulated by these two crafty women all along, and they want only one thing from him . . . his seed!
In Knocked Up (Again!), when Bonnie gets pregnant on purpose by Jason, Alison becomes even more determined to trick Jason into seeding her, just like he did to her best friend. Jason is totally unaware that he has a child by Bonnie, simply considering his bedding her part of his masterly skill with women.
Foolishly he has no idea how he is being manipulated by Alison to get her knocked up too!